Peter Spencer electrified Australia with his solitary pole protest in December and January. Heendured a fifty two day hunger strike in defence of his private property against a State grabdisguised as a law to protect native vegetation.
Peter Spencer is now recovering with family. His doctor and medical team are continuing tomonitor his recovery.
As he builds-up strength, he remains resolute in his determination to pursue the issues of farmersand all Australian’s loss of property rights. Peter and his many supporters will continue to raiseawareness and pressure all levels of Government, starting with a series of rallies and publicmeetings throughout the whole of Australia. Spencer’s first objective remains – the FederalGovernment must:
Establish a Royal Commission to inquire into how the 3 tiers of Government, Local, State and Federal removed the land rights of Australian farming families so as to enable the Australian Government to meet the entire ‘Kyoto Commitment’ on greenhouse gasses and by so doing breached the Constitution, and pay those effected farmers on just terms for the “TAKINGS”.
In an Australia Day address to supporters, Spencer said “democracy is not set in concrete, and evolutionary change does not guarantee that our freedoms come up with the sun”; also quoting Thomas Jefferson “our liberties are only guaranteed by our own eternal vigilance”.
Preparations are being made for the PETER SPENCER TOWER OF HOPE RALLY FOR PROPERTY
RIGHTS IN CANBERRA on 3 February. Peter Spencer is monitoring preparations for the rally and is grateful for the support provided by the NSW Farmers’ Association who have undertaken a supporting publicity campaign and are providing free bus transport from around NSW to Canberra.
That is excellent. But beware of National Party goons bearing gifts.
Other speakers to the rally will include Barnaby Joyce, Shadow Finance Minister, Kevin Humphries, State Nationals Member for Barwon, Shadow Minister for Healthy Lifestyles, Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Shadow Minister for Western NSW, Peter Dimbrowsky, Mayor of the Hills Shire, Peter King, Charles Armstrong, President NSW Farmers’ Association.
Australia First Party has absolutely zero confidence that any of the National Party
parliamentarians or supporters who may attend or even speak, have real support for Peter Spencer’s cause at all. After all, wimpering remarks aside that are meant to lull farmers back to sleep, the National Party has presided over every aspect of the rural side of the globalisation program. The aim of these National Party toads is to get up and mouth off about farmers’concerns, get their votes and their donations and derail anything worthwhile.
The National Party betrayals of our farmers are legendary. But still idiots line up to get fleeced.
So, be on guard!
WHEN: - - Tuesday, 2nd February, 2010
TIME: - - From 10.00am
WHERE: - - Meeting point will be Magna Carta Place, Queen Victoria Terrace, Canberra.
Peter Spencer’s 52 day long hunger strike has brought unprecedented attention to the demise of the Australian people’s secure property rights. However the fight has only just begun – your attendance and participation in this historical rally on this day will help send a clear message to every Australian politician – this is an issue which will not go away – you need to act.